
Just one of several thousand end-time voices.


Your are welcome to use any of these ROYALTY FREE IMAGES, GRAPHICS, ICONS, LOGOS and CLIP ART on your website, documents, brochures, newsletters, or anything else that you’re a creating for your own personal use.

Many of these images, logos, and icons I created while operating an Internet-based retail business, or E-commerce company. Since I have had to close those businesses down due to the “targeting,” I no longer use most of these images.

They may not be suitable for all uses and the quality is only as good as my amateurish abilities could produce, but hey, why not share them with someone who might have a use for them.

If you’d like to show your appreciation for my time, efforts, and creativity — or lack thereof — any credits or back links to https://elijah1757.wordpress.com would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I encourage you to check some of these sites out for graphic, images, photos, etc. that you might be looking for. Since there may be a possibility of derivative works from these sources that I use regularly, I want to give them the credit due, they deserve.

Please visit FREE DIGITAL PHOTOS • NET (http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/)


PUBLIC DOMAIN IMAGES • COM (http://www.public-domain-image.com/)

for a large selection of royalty free images, graphics, photos, and more. Find high quality, royalty-free images and public domain graphics at either of the great sources for free clip art, graphics, photos and images.