
Just one of several thousand end-time voices.

The Freemasonry-driven Gang Stalking Process

We are beginning to understand that most, if not all secret societies are essentially controlled by the Vatican papacy by way of the Society of Jesus, more commonly referred to as the Jesuits. And though the author of this excellent commentary does not necessarily make that connection, it does not take away from the accuracy and reality of Freemasonry’s role in organized gang stalking. I have not corresponded nor necessarily know who the author of this document is but the information about gang stalking the descriptions and details given are incredibly accurate. This most sobering account of organized gang stalking is a chilling and disturbing testimony of the cruel and relentless psychological and physical assaults directed toward targeted individuals designated for this covert criminal and satanic activity.


The Freemasonry-driven Gang Stalking Process – Amended FGS 20.8.12

Freemasonry-driven Gang Stalking

 Modern-day Stalking “To explain exactly what modern-day gang stalking is in so few words is nearly impossible due to the complexity, depth, and range of the elements that make up the whole. But in so few words, suffice it to say that in the shadow of the Nazi police state and the cooperation of many naive ‘citizen informants,’ this modern-day, community-based bullying and intimidation is the oppression of the unseen hand of corrupted governments and evidence of a collapsing society.” — elijah1757

Modern-day Stalking
“To explain exactly what modern-day gang stalking is in so few words is nearly impossible due to the complexity, depth, & range of the elements that make up the whole. But in so few words, suffice it to say that in the shadow of the Nazi police state and the cooperation of many naive ‘citizen informants,’ this modern-day, community-based bullying and intimidation is the oppression of the unseen hand of corrupted governments and evidence of a collapsing society.” — elijah1757

Text of above PDF file:
The Freemasonry Gang Stalking Process !!!
By ,amsoldierofchrist January 2011 Copyright MSF.

The maze of bullshit written about gang stalking is clearly the intention of the Freemasonry perpetrators . So im going to clear it up once and for all, so you can take it or leave it . If you wish to live as a mushroom , then live as a mushroom .If you want reality of the highest order truth integrity and facts then read on .

Firstly gang stalking is all over the internet and is global to put it simply its a form of persecution with intent to kill the targeted individual or TI . The term Freemasonry Gang Stalking or FGS is the phrase I coined in 2009 / 10 whilst in the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia in Parramatta NSW . I was being cross examined regarding my complaint against the Freemasons raised by my compliant xwife , and now an agenda of the Federal Magistrate / Satanic Priest .

This was an attempt to discredit me and to prime the chamber for the main weapon of FGS . The weapon I refer to is Mental Health , this is the main game and ultimate goal of FGS , that is to corner the TI into a mental health assessment position and at that point your in check !

I saw it coming and only by the skin of my teeth avoided checkmate . I knew I had the evidence to prove my case against the Freemasons , and still do . I also didn’t allow a Masonic court appointed shrink to assess me, I got my own full comprehensive mental health assessment done and got my own clean bill of health and submitted that to the court.

They did not like that at all , it saved me though as I was being set up big time for the big fall and by the Federal Magistrate himself . So I went on the record and exposed FGS in court . But without a jury I had no chance as the whole court system is Freemasonry compliant from the court staff to the Federal Magistrate and all the barristers and lawyers , but still I gave it to them both barrel’s I held nothing back whilst under oath hand on bible its on the record , I was self represented as was denied lawyer by Masonic Legal Aid NSW .

FGS commenced for me in 1999 / 2000 as I had a fall out with the Queensland Australia Police at commissioner level . Im formerly a one time film producer of children’s safety material for stranger danger awareness for kids . And I had put the Police in my kids safety video production . So the police supplied two cops and a squad car and are in the video . An argument erupted between the Police and I when I was trying to promote the video on the John Laws program , an Australian big audience talkback radio station . Well the shit hit the fan as the cops did not want me to mention on air they were in the video as it would be an endorsement of the video from them . Well I thought , F…k you coppers your in it , and children’s safety is bigger than Queensland Police . I needed to try quickly recoup $50K AUD for the production . The Cops had approved the content and it was endorsed by schools and childcare centres fact !
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This is the point of the dogs being released upon me the foot soldiers the perpetrators of FGS . How dare I challenge the Brotherhood of Police in Queensland . Police globally are all ALL Freemasons and coordinate FGS from there command centres , exactly the same process all over the world its said to have originated from the KKK , I can believe that as is pure evil .

Heres how it works , as an example of this global FGS formula I will use Sydney Australia , In Sydney , there are approximately 19000 that’s nineteen thousand Freemason members in Sydney alone , and said to be more than 5,000,000 that’s five million or more Freemasons globally. Here we now have the Freemasonry network of terror for the globe .

And some will say but this cant be , the masons are such a charitable lovely group of boy scouts . Wake up people there pure evil and this formula of FGS is how they go about fulfilling the vows they have taken to kill for Freemasonry . And to kill off the good people of the world who dare to make a stand , a righteous stand against this satanic cult called Freemasonry / Illuminanti.

Once the dogs of FGS are released on the TI in the form of 24/7 overt persecution & covert surveillance , your at immediate risk of the first weapon of choice Mental Health Assassination . As its natural to want to report to police that your being followed and harassed . But the problem is the Police are coordinating the FGS , so they take your complaint and recommend you be assessed for mental health concerns . Doesn’t sound good does it , there is a team of 50 or a hundred evil stalkers following me . Please help me Mr Policeman , yeah they will help you all right , that is to have you committed guess where ? So you can not report this crime to the cops or the government as there all freemasons . Just one Masonic white wash after another forget it your on your own for now, but not if you take refuge in Christ Jesus ! { not the church }

Above all let us not forget the devil is but a foot stole for the Lord Jesus Christ to rest his feet upon .Following is the process the freemasons use to kill the best and fairest of the world who dared to make the righteous stand to expose crimes against humanity these crimes are perpetrated by the freemasons and this is the agenda of the devil whom freemasons have an intimate relationship with as there god.

{1} FGS teams goal is to kill the TI , they love to tell you in various ways how many kills they have made . Its all about selling fear that’s what the devil does .

{2} Large scale teams of perps { FGS perpetrators } released on the TI are paid for there , evil work via the Freemasons with funds believed stolen from the tax payer through governmental corruption , these funds are believed to cover all there fuel and expenses and bonuses for killing TI,s The rest is there Masonic duty to kill and there up for it .

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{3} The FGS Perp is simply a member of the Freemasons , bound by threat of vile satanic ritual death witchcraft and curse . If they do not carryout this crime against the TI it will then be released on them ! So this is the motivation for the perps , but most are just mentally ill bullies who were selected with purpose by the masons . And they love FGS and love killing the TI pushing them to suicide ,they just love it . To a perp this is sport hunting and a big bonus if you get the kill .

Should a perp refuse to keep killing TI,s they will just disappear . And most likely be eaten in some satanic ritual , this is pure evil. We need to all remember the only counter measure of heavy duty witchcraft is through Chris Jesus there is no other .

{4} The persecution starts with 24/7 large teams of FGS usually in 50 plus size groups of perps . It usually begins at the home or unit apartment rental property where one lives . FGS Perps will be funded, to take all line of sight rental positions completely surrounding the TI,s property . So as to monitor your every movement and alert the mobile perps of your daily plans of shopping or any activity .

As soon as you leave the your home , FGS locksmiths will enter your house with nil risk of being caught as all surrounding houses are perps now and or have been made compliant with fabricated lies about the TI of the worst imaginable .

So the former friendly neighbour is turned to a perp and if he /she wont do the dirty work they are threatened with risk of witchcraft and vile death etc etc . Whilst in your home FGS perps will poision your food , but not enough to kill you just enough to make you sick . The only things they normally steal is evidence you have on them . But now your bugged majorly .

Candle wax over your lock key holes has a unique patern to help you know if your house may have been entered . A camera system is no good un less your on a serious batery powered system good for say 24 hrs . As they will have your power turned off by the power company .

{5} Now that your home is surrounded the persecution really begins with a vengeance the house has been bugged and without doubt a close proximity HQ main station FGS house will be watching listening to your every move electronically . Latter they will combined high-tech devices with witchcraft , the witchcraft can harm you if you are not solid in Christ Jesus !

To scare and baffle TI,s they will combine impact sound shocks inline with horror on tv meaning , as the themes out play on the tv, loud bangs will happen in the above apartment { like dropping a bowling ball on queue onto a concrete floor above your head }. Or a rock thrown on to your roof if living in a house or a gun shot , all on queue inline with nasty murder headlines on tv . So there theme is terror and grizzly death for the TI its all about fear . Media perps help with the FGS terror tv alignment schedule .
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So you’ve got the picture right , this is 24/7 they have your every move plotted . Hi-tech devices are in your home motion sensors pinhole cameras bugging devices . That’s how they do it . But they want you to believe it all wizardry ,but its not its hi-tech electronic devices . They will however commence witchcraft and satanic ritual attacks !

{6} If your in a relationship and you have a child its bad very bad , there FGS theme is aimed at threats of harm to your child or wife etc etc . There strategy is to break the family up to divide and conquer . As was in my case ,no family can take such an assault , my xwife knows dam well what happened but was just mentally abused and intimidated by FGS into believing I was the problem . She was made compliant . But in Jesus holy name to death I will never be, as the Freemasons have hurt my child and I am coming after them.

{7} At this early stage of the FGS you start to question what you have done in life that may have brought you under this surveillance your think feds , or asio or government you have no idea it’s the freemasons . You know its not surveillance as surveillance is meant to be covert but this is different this is overt persecution who would do such an evil thing . So you chase the government with no result as said just one Masonic white wash after the other .

{8} The mobile FGS is mind blowing and very dangerous ,if your on foot with your 3 year old child FGS will shoot cars past you risking your child and you . These evil bastards don’t care there sick mentally ill and evil , but are also cowards on there own !

When your driving you are subject to a 50 car harassment team , high beam headlights road rage and all manor of FGS themed abuse with set up intent, and cops trailing close behind .

Perps regularly have accidents as are often totally exceeding the limit but there speeding fines from cameras or police traps are all waved away . Perps on the job don’t pay fines that’s why they think there so cool James bond like . Additionally the police give them a free reign to kill people . In the perps mind this empowers him/her and justifies there sick twisted Masonic brainwashed believe system .

Perps who are mentally ill to start with , believe there really doing the world a great service killing the targeted individual . The TI could be a children’s safety advocate , a human rights activist , or even a saint . I believe a TI is a person with the intestinal fortitude to stand up for morality truth justice with an uncompromising refusal to join the freemason satanic cult . May Christ Jesus bless and protect the TI,s as we have a contribution of truth to offer .

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{9} How is it all coordinated you ask , well the key is again hi-tech you cant organise 50 or a hundred perps easy like . All the perps are hooked up to a linked black berry mobile phone service they all get the same txt at the same time , example HE WAS JUST SEEN CRYING IN HIS CAR APPLY MAX PRESURE GO FOR VIOLENT OUTBURST IN STREET .

Now when a 100 evil perps get that message they all go for the prize , the prize being you the TI , braking down and killing one of them .

But the perps feel quite safe as guess who is trailing behind the FGS mobile team , you guessed it the Police are mobile and part of it and ready to pounce as the TI brakes down .

The police will have plenty of perp witnesses to back up the fabricated story of the TI going crazy . If you lose it your gone !

This is the daily process , I had often considered a police scanner as I know the FGS teams would be forced to communicate even in code , as they would know you purchased the scanner , but it would be a major aid . At the time I just didn’t think I could take the expected themed abuse transmitted to me . I mean the FGS abuse that I would of heard on the scanner about my family etc so I didn’t get one . How ever it would be a valuable tool for evidence gathering and should seriously be considered .

{10} The communication via the black berry phone system text msg theme for large scale group messaging is the process for all FGS on foot . They plan elaborate set ups and street theatre with aim to cause the TI to lash out to explode and be arrested and eventually committed to a prison or a mental institution . And to be ultimately killed whilst in that institution this is the goal .

Again you must not lose it , at all cost you must remain calm { not easy without Christ Jesus }. The mobile in car set ups are to cause death by car accident so you need to be a good driver ! If your not then you need to seek { backs to the wall positions } on public transport seats where possible , as driving may get you killed . As for me I drive big safe old cars really well , so look out perps im coming through !!!

{11} How do the Freemasons run 50 to a 100 perps right across the city or the country and internationally from country to country . Who has the ability to do this and to coordinate this process? only the Freemasons !!!

They hold all the government positions most of all the churches have been infiltrated . All the local councils road workers police fire ambulance big industry big transport military media judicial all compliant freemasonry members . That’s how !!!

And they need to purged from public office now globally .

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{12} The Freemasonry lodge global network means , you are likely to have a FGS lodge in your neighbourhood . Its clearly an evil nest of masons that work directly or indirectly with the police command centres for each precinct . So your neighbourhood Freemason Lodge is most likely operating a FGS community policing program fact.

And here’s where it all comes together they cant run these huge 50 plus teams of FGS without coordinating all the Lodges in the police precincts . As said there are about 19000 Freemasons as members in Sydney and a Freemasonry lodge in many suburbs precincts throughout NSW Australia .

So when you drive through these many suburbs and precincts the perps come at you in seemingly huge numbers . That’s because of the crossover factor example Hornsby NSW perps are handing the TI over to the Windsor NSW perps and so on .

Each Freemasonry lodge , grand master { of evil } will receive blackberry phone text message released in advance and will rally his foot soldier perps advising them where the intercept of the TI will be or to be on standby as the TI is heading in a certain direction .

Additionally the police command centre will pull back the Hornsby police overseers of the FGS and hand it over to the Windsor police overseers.

The TI has now been successfully handed over to the next’s lodges jurisdiction for persecution . I believe all the lodges would all be aligned with the police precincts meaning all freemasonry lodges in that precinct are on duty to persecute the TI to death . Its just evil coordination its not magic .

{13} There is no discrimination in the FGS process they are able to call on the whole 19000 members here in Sydney to do there Masonic duty of FGS .

These evil scumbags have sold there’s and there children’s souls . Lets not forget they are satanist and heavily into witchcraft wizardry warlocks witches curses demonic conjuring .

So evil is there thing and they use children in FGS they have nil considerations for there own children in fact there training them to be perps as they are . Think of it thousands and thousands of children un be known to them at young ages are being dragged around by daddy and mummy perps strapped in the back of cars driving around in convoy of FGS persecution TI,s.

The perp parents aim is to kill a good man or women TI as fast as they can so as to not disrupt the kids to much . What kind of mother or father would do this { Freemason that’s what kind } pure evil must be exposed . This FGS is the biggest child abuses case in the world . MASS GLOBAL FREEMASONRY SATANIC CHILD ABUSE

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{14} If we dare to seek a better world free of this evil freemasonry corruption then we must demand all freemasons go on to a public registration .

And that all freemasons be removed from public office immediately . Starting with the judicial system .

Followed by police departments fire department and ambulance departments all are used in FGS to scream sirens at TI,s to intimidate .

A point of hope that must be noted all satanist freemason perps are very superstitious as are always involved in evil . But all of them know the scripture in the Bible is Truth . They hate it but cant overcome that it is Truth , a Truth that will befall them .

I like to remind perps of Job 18 and Jeremiah 18 V 18 to 23 as it just puts it all into a nice perspective for a perp. We are dealing with the devil and there for must put on the armour of light and prepare , well for the battle ahead .

This is a document of Truth and will stand the test of any un corrupted jury . From the judicial all the way to the senate there needs to be a forced change the judicial system that currently protects the above stated crimes against humanity .

And sadly there will not be refuge for TI in the church as 99% of all churches have been corrupted by Freemasons , additionally I believe all child sexual abuse within the church will lead back to Preists who are also Freemasons this must be investigated . Are we getting somewhere here ?

But don’t blame Jesus Christ or God , you don’t need a church to learn the word the power the protection that he gives . The praise and Glory is always with my Lord And Savoir Christ Jesus .

Am Soldier of Christ MSF

10 comments on “The Freemasonry-driven Gang Stalking Process

  1. MJ882
    March 20, 2015

    Yea, their street theater is dangerous but awareness and oyster to GOD SHUTS THEN DOWN COLD…
    demons and they silly humans who worship them flee when they see God in you.


    • Davin Hampton
      March 30, 2017

      You got that right.


  2. MJ882
    March 20, 2015

    Prayer to God spa them cold…they flee in His presence.


  3. Ian Nome
    March 5, 2016

    I only recently found out the name to this horrible crime that I’ve had to endure since the mid 90’s. I am embarrassed at my naivety and yet am happy to have a name for all the weirdness I’ve been through and continue to go through. My dad is a mason and he is the person behind my lifelong miseries. I have had a hit taken out on me because I have memories coming to me of people and places of sex torture and sodomy. I am a victim of mm ultra and again my dad is the person who is behind this as well. I’m so ashamed, humiliated and so sick about what I do remember. I no longer have any family ties or friends. They all have betrayed me and I find no reason for making any new friends. Alone and broke with only a few pieces of clothing and now since yesterday, this really cheap phone. I would imagine I’m one of the lucky ones seems how I’m still alive and have my sanity. I only wish I knew where I could go so I could be free from all the sickness and insanity. Anyone have any really good web sites or info I. could follow up on? I’m still in an unsafe area and am a little lost. I’m obviously not suicidal nor would I ever be. I just don’t believe in it, luckily. I am just looking for advice and will appreciate any. Thank You


    • Joe
      February 4, 2017

      Me too brother


      • Joe
        February 4, 2017

        You are welcome to mail me


      • Joe
        February 4, 2017

        Where are you?


    • truman
      August 18, 2017

      I’m sorry for what’s happened to you, and you are in my prayers. Feel free to message me if you want to talk more about it, I too am experiencing gang-stalking.


      • Keith Kampschaefer
        November 10, 2017

        My apologies for the lengthy delay in approving your comment for posting. I’ve been under heavy assault from the stalking network.


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